Tanyard Fishery,
Tanyard Lane,
Furners Green,Near
Uckfield,East Sussex,
TN22 3RL
07833 532842
7 Lakes
NOW THIS IS A PROPER FISHERY! This is how a fishery should be run. Some people won't like it because it looks too set out or too designed BUT the fishery is what it should be. They have everything you could possibly want here.
Facilities: 4/5
All lakes have car parks by them so only a short walk is needed to get to any peg. The fishery facilities are of a high standard with ladies and gents toilets being of modern clean design. A washing up room is also available.
The fishery lodge provides hot food delivered to your swim if you would like, as well as snacks and a range of bait and end tackle for all those bits and pieces you may forget.
It is a little pricey in there but you can get a beer from there too ;o)
Quality of fishing: 4/5
They have so many lakes here that its impossible to give each lake a score but the lakes at the start as you go in are more learning lakes with smaller carp tench etc. The further you go into the fishery the bigger the fish get and the harder the lakes get so this is a place you can really learn to hone your skills an build up to the speci lakes.
Disabled Facilities 4/5
This has got loads of room for disabled anglers on a number of lakes. The back lake is a little awkward but nothing too bad.
Fish Stocks: 4/5
The front lakes has loads and you will catch, it's only when you get to the speci lakes that they are a little light but then again they do have some big lumps in there, well over 30+.
Pricing: 4/5
For me the pricing is right for this type of fishery, it's not a mickey mouse outfit lake and there is good fishing to be had on a number of lakes even if the speci lakes are rock 'ard.
Day Tickets
From 7am to 7pm
£10 for one rod
£13 for two rods
£16 for three rods
Night Tickets
Consecutive days charged at
£13 for two rods
£16 for three rods
per calender day not 24hours
examples are with 2 rods
2 days with 1 night = £26
3 days with 2 nights = £39
4 days with 3 nights = £52
5 days with 4 nights = £65
6 days with 5 nights = £78
7 days with 6 nights = £91
Your first day can start as early as 7am and your last day could finish as late as 7pm but charges are the same at whatever time you arrive or leave
Staff: 3.5/5
To be fair you don't actually get to see the staff that much. They drop your food to your swim and they've always been polite to me, especially in the cafe part. Maybe they should walk around a little more often and say hello, its' always nice to chat to the bailiff hear his pearls of wisdom...I'll put could do better lol.
Security 5/5
From their website..no mucking about here.
We believe that the security of the fishery is an important part of the Tanyard experience, so we take very seriously the role of keeping you, your tackle and your car as safe as we possibly can. The gate on the entrance is locked at 7.15pm every evening and reopened at 7am all the time the gate is locked the fence is electrified.
Please do not ask for the gate to be opened between these times as a refusal always offends (we do make the exception for ambulances). There is a member of staff on site over night and we do also run a night ID system so we know every anglers name and address who fishes over each individual night. Any angler behaving in a way that is detrimental to the smooth running of the fishery will be ejected with no refund.
Overall: 4/5
Unlike Monk Lakes, this has the potential to be called the 4th best lake in Britain, the layout, the garden like kept surroundings, grass always cut nice, it's like having your own ornamental fishery. You can't really say they are going wrong really. Maybe a few more bailiff chats and maybe a little bit of extra stock here and there but other than that a wonderful lake, they should be very proud of themselves.
Tanyard Fishery,
Tanyard Lane,
Furners Green,Near
Uckfield,East Sussex,
TN22 3RL
07833 532842
7 Lakes
NOW THIS IS A PROPER FISHERY! This is how a fishery should be run. Some people won't like it because it looks too set out or too designed BUT the fishery is what it should be. They have everything you could possibly want here.
Facilities: 4/5
All lakes have car parks by them so only a short walk is needed to get to any peg. The fishery facilities are of a high standard with ladies and gents toilets being of modern clean design. A washing up room is also available.
The fishery lodge provides hot food delivered to your swim if you would like, as well as snacks and a range of bait and end tackle for all those bits and pieces you may forget.
It is a little pricey in there but you can get a beer from there too ;o)
Quality of fishing: 4/5
They have so many lakes here that its impossible to give each lake a score but the lakes at the start as you go in are more learning lakes with smaller carp tench etc. The further you go into the fishery the bigger the fish get and the harder the lakes get so this is a place you can really learn to hone your skills an build up to the speci lakes.
Disabled Facilities 4/5
This has got loads of room for disabled anglers on a number of lakes. The back lake is a little awkward but nothing too bad.
Fish Stocks: 4/5
The front lakes has loads and you will catch, it's only when you get to the speci lakes that they are a little light but then again they do have some big lumps in there, well over 30+.
Pricing: 4/5
For me the pricing is right for this type of fishery, it's not a mickey mouse outfit lake and there is good fishing to be had on a number of lakes even if the speci lakes are rock 'ard.
Day Tickets
From 7am to 7pm
£10 for one rod
£13 for two rods
£16 for three rods
Night Tickets
Consecutive days charged at
£13 for two rods
£16 for three rods
per calender day not 24hours
examples are with 2 rods
2 days with 1 night = £26
3 days with 2 nights = £39
4 days with 3 nights = £52
5 days with 4 nights = £65
6 days with 5 nights = £78
7 days with 6 nights = £91
Your first day can start as early as 7am and your last day could finish as late as 7pm but charges are the same at whatever time you arrive or leave
Staff: 3.5/5
To be fair you don't actually get to see the staff that much. They drop your food to your swim and they've always been polite to me, especially in the cafe part. Maybe they should walk around a little more often and say hello, its' always nice to chat to the bailiff hear his pearls of wisdom...I'll put could do better lol.
Security 5/5
From their website..no mucking about here.
We believe that the security of the fishery is an important part of the Tanyard experience, so we take very seriously the role of keeping you, your tackle and your car as safe as we possibly can. The gate on the entrance is locked at 7.15pm every evening and reopened at 7am all the time the gate is locked the fence is electrified.
Please do not ask for the gate to be opened between these times as a refusal always offends (we do make the exception for ambulances). There is a member of staff on site over night and we do also run a night ID system so we know every anglers name and address who fishes over each individual night. Any angler behaving in a way that is detrimental to the smooth running of the fishery will be ejected with no refund.
Overall: 4/5
Unlike Monk Lakes, this has the potential to be called the 4th best lake in Britain, the layout, the garden like kept surroundings, grass always cut nice, it's like having your own ornamental fishery. You can't really say they are going wrong really. Maybe a few more bailiff chats and maybe a little bit of extra stock here and there but other than that a wonderful lake, they should be very proud of themselves.